[Tutorial] Kuriyama Mirai Blood Sword
Just a repost from tumblr that I wrote a while ago ^^ might help those cosplaying ^.^: This is my first time cosplaying and an experience of me making this sword ^_^. I know there are other awesome tutorials on how to make weapons for cosplaying/cosplay like this but this is just my experience/take on making a cosplay sword for a low budget ( :D ), and I am sorry if it’s imperfect…it is my first time doing this… You will need: Materials: -Corrugated cardboard -Masking tape -Red (meatallic) spray paint 100ml Equipment: -pencil -craft knife -newspaper -mask for spray painting -paper -ruler Method: 1) Draw out a sketch of the blood sword, use many references…mine was 95cm long for my height (160cm). It might have to be longer or shorter for your height but this really depends… 2) Cut the paper sword template out. 3) Use the paper sword template to cut the sword out from corrugated cardboard (Best if the ridges of the cardboard ar...