Slice of Life~ Short August updates!~
Konbanwa~(=゚ω゚)ノ So today I got my results, exam results ~_~ and am satisfied with them I guess :D, could've been better but ah well, it's all over now :3. Progressed a little bit more on my cosplay (have done more since this picture was taken), I think I'll finish it for London Comic Con ^0^/! Is anyone else going? Other than these updates , I have been on holiday to Hong Kong, Japan(as I have blogged about) and Dubai this month so there hasn't been much interesting happening that I could blog about...(I know holidays sound a hella fun but I was literally just seeing friends and parents' friends everyday on it =_= and wasn't excatly, you know, relaxing...) Me in Dubai :3 And for others reading this post that have got their results today (namely GCSEs), and happy with them- well done! For others not as happy with them- remember, these results don't define whether you are not successful or going to be successful in the future, don't get to hooked on them...