Outfit dump

Hi hi~ こんにちは〜❤︎

So this is just a post with my coords I've worn since the start of the year, lel idk but just dumping them here for reference~ (some are not really interesting x3 but feel free to browse ^^)

So not much has been happening recently except revision upon revision o_e idk how I'm even coping lol XD. But I've progressed a little bit more with my cosplay~ finally finished toile-ing (drafting) the jacket and just need to do some slight alterations before moving onto the real thing~ but yup, really looking forward to the summer holidays~~~ can't wait for Japan yey~^^!

Are you doing anything interesting for this summer? Feel free to comment and share hehe (⌒▽⌒)

Sore dewa, またね~❤︎ 


  1. Cute looks^^

    New post ♥
    If you follow my blog, I follow your blog too (write about it)~

  2. Ahhhh you have the loveliest style!! Following you on here not because I'm expecting a follow back but because I genuinely like your taste~
    As for summer plans I'm trying to work on my art portfolio and heading to some anime conventions and overall trying to surround myself with some good friends and memories!


    1. Ahh thank you >///<~~~ and I hope everything goes well with your art portfolio, I wish I could go to anime cons but I am on holiday ;-;/ and surrounding yourself with good friends and memories sounds nice too ^^~ hope you have a nice summer! (⌒▽⌒)

  3. that first cardigan is sooo cutee~ im looking one just like that!
    im really enjoying your posts :3 and your style. following now~


    1. Thank you~ I like that cardigan too ^.^ and thank you for following ><~


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